I'm Geomar
UX UI Designer | Data Analyst

I am a UX/UI designer with over five years of experience in designing both mobile and web applications. I have been collaborating on digital products for 5G networks within the telecommunications sector as well as in the registries field (intellectual property, securities, the Rolling Stock Registry, and the Land Registry).

I'm getting my Master of Science (MSc) in Data Analytics right now. I'm really interested in combining my knowledge of UX/UI design with data analytics to make digital goods that work better, are more innovative, and focus on the user.

Making choices based on data improves the look and functionality of user interfaces while they are being designed. Helping people and groups finish projects is something I'm happy to do with all my skills.

I also have a degree in advertising and have worked in the media business for several years, editing videos, creating brands, and running advertising campaigns for companies like HBO Latin America Group.

You can also find me here:
LinkedIn, GitHub, YouTube.